My Fitness Apps!

My New Fitness APPS!

          I'm wanting to get in the fitness motivation mood and what better way to do that is downloading and app, I'm on my phone so much why not try and make use of it!
         I decided to  challenge myself for 21 days, yes 21 days because they always say 21 days is the time to make a habit to stick! 

    Want to take the challenge download the apps with me! and in 21 days I want to post my thoughts on these apps! 

   Here are the most basic FREE apps I am trying out!

  • Noom Coach - basically you enter in your goal weight and how fast you want to accomplish it than it will give you the calorie intake you should be doing a day and than you simply enter what you eat, you can also set up reminders, which is nice! Noom will also give you a time frame of when you will get there, if you get to the GOAL!
    • you can enter your what you eat from popular places like restaurants
    • you can create your own
    • easy way to count your calories
    • tips

  • Free 30 Day Squat
  • Free 30 Day Abs
  • Free 30 Day Pushups
    • These are simple things apps that record when you do the exercise it also goes slowly which is so nice if your not used to working out every day  (totally like me!)

Come Follow my Journey On instagram and we can be umm.. instabuddy workout partners haha?!?!? #21dayjaimee yay!

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