"The wedding I will never have"

A breath taking ceremony, a white gorgeous dress, family and friends, perfect weather, a father daughter dance that would make you cry, dancing until my feet went numb

 Well, I have always wanted a gorgeous wedding. I dreamed of a big wedding with people I love. A romantic setting, a gorgeous dress, a handsome groom waiting at the end of the isle. A photographer snapping pictures on that moment that I want to remember for the rest of my life.

BUT... I never will.

 I was married young, I was pregnant when I got married.

 I choose to get married at 17 with no money.

 We choose to do this for our daughter to start a family. To define this importance as being teen parents we wanted to do what was best for us. Create a family even if it was early. Even If we had no money for a big wedding

 We loved each other, without a doubt and we wanted to make that commitment to our soon to be daughter.
The choice I will never regret. I married the love of my life. We had our closest friends there and our parents. We picked a park with fountains in the water with a memorial we picked a perfect spot on the grace in the August weather it was perfect. That day it was a little clouding, and about 15 mins after the wedding a Huge dust storm rolled in but we were not in it! :)

My love story didn't start as your typical boy meets girl, boy purposes, girl says yes, big wedding, honeymoon, house, baby.. happily ever after. And that is okay! I learned this way of life is great! but for me it didn't work out that way, but I am so happy it did.

I love my story, I believe things turned out for the best even with no big gigantic wedding, besides would have cost a bucket load ha! and really at the end of the day, does it matter who saw you in the wedding dress, does it matter you spent thousands of dollars, nope it sure doesn't I am the happy.  I have been married for 6 years and happy and I have those memories of that wedding that was so simple but was that best

but I would never say never,  I am a total fan of renewing my wedding vows. Weddings and marriage you should defiantly celebrate. Its the most beautiful thing how two people become one!  I just never know when I will have the time or the money! But I defiantly do have the Pintrest board with all the ideas I love, should check it out, if your planning :) here are some!

but as for my daughters I hope for them to have a wedding they will never forget, I hope their choices are smarter than mine, they can have that dream wedding and their dad can give them away with pride. Marriage is so beautiful and I hope my girls will know that and defiantly dream for that fairy tale wedding. 

all in all. my wedding wasn't a glamours but it was so simple that we tied the knot and started a life and a journey together, and we are happy :)

this was a pic was our honeymoon, was tons of fun we went to a lodge with our best friends before going back to reality and 4 months later our daughter was born 

thanks for reading :)

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